76 Days adrift at Sea

The Sinful Brain, Ted Bundy

                The Sinful Brain, Ted Bundy

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In this article, we will again be entering the realm of the macabre. I have already featured The Infamous Jack the Ripper, the man who never gets caught in my previous article, If you haven't read that go on click on the link below and trust me guys it's a classic:-

But perhaps today's focus beats him and other serial killers, hands down, in view of his sheer murderousness. But's perhaps more surprising is that today's serial killer was an educated fella, and an appearance could have been the quiet boy next door, or the guy who sat opposite you in the office. This is one of the reasons how he was able to gain the trust of the people that he brutally killed. He plagues the streets of the USA in the 1970s and it's thought he committed even more crimes than he admitted to. So, without wasting more of our time lets talk about America's Most Genius and Evil Serial Killer - Ted Bundy

Who is Ted Bundy?
                                                                                          Who is Ted Bundy?

Ted Bundy was born on November 24, 1946. His life ended in Florida's electric chair on January 24, 1989. His last words, "Jim and Fred, I'd like you to give my love to my family and friends."  He didn't ask for any kind of special final meal, so he was given the standard meal for Florida's death row, which was stakes, eggs, hash browns, toast with butter, jelly, milk, coffee, and juice. According to reports, he didn't touch any of it. 
Bundy denied killing women at first and fought the charges for around a decade. He even married a girl while he was on a trial, named "Carole Ann Boone", As we all know a death row is a terrible place, so Ted used to get drunk and smoke dope, even drugs which her so-called wife smuggled to him vaginally, but eventually she gave up on him when the truth came out. 

The Bundy family
                                                                                        Carole Ann Boone.

Ted had a strange start in life, as his young mother was ashamed she had him out of wedlock, and so young Ted grew up believing a lie he had been told, that he was actually the adopted son of his grandparents and his mother was his sister (but he discovered the truth later in life). He would never know who his father was. Stories differ as to what his household was like, but it seems his grandfather had violent rages and that his grandmother was often an unhappy victim of those rages. While Ted was handsome and apparently easy to talk to, he would later admit that he found making friends difficult. 

"I didn't know what made people want to be friends", he once said. 
"I didn't know what underlay social interactions."

He did normal things any young man might do, such as go to church and date women. He had girlfriends, but upon any kind of rejection, he would seek vengeance. He went to university, but it seems he was often distracted or not interested in the subject matter. It seems psychology was his thing, and he graduated with honors from the University of Washington in 1972. He even worked on the phone at a suicide prevention hotline center, and again, he seemed to his colleagues like a normal sort of guy. Soon after this he enrolled in Law school and became the assistant director on the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission. One of the most unsettling things he did while working in this position was to write a pamphlet offering women advice on how to prevent being raped. 

Bundy of course would become a serial rapist. In fact, he probably already had raped by then. 

Assistant Director Ted Bundy
                                                                             Assistant Director Ted Bundy

So, Why do people use the superlative "most evil"?

extremely wicked shockingly evil and vile

Well, firstly it's thought that Bundy killed many more people than he admitted to the killing. He admitted to me during at least 30 women, but some people believe he may have killed as many as 100 women. Bundy told different people different stories, but police investigating him believed that the killing may have started when he was just a teenager. This is just speculation though. It's widely believed that he kidnapped and killed an 8-year-old girl when he was only 14, but there is no significant evidence to prove that, and Bundy always denied that. We can say the real proof of his villainy starts in 1974 when Bundy was 27 years old. I can't go into details about every murder, because there are too many of them and I feel that some of the crimes are just too gruesome to describe here, but I can mention that he chooses young women, usually students. He would often attack them with an object while they were sleeping, bludgeoning them to death or close to death. After this, he would sexually assault them. On other occasions, it's thought he would gain women's trust just because he knew how to talk, and sometimes he would wear his arm in a sling to give the women the feeling he was injured and so perhaps not very dangerous. Bundy would often decapitate his victims and sometimes keep the heads as a kind of trophies of his crimes. Sometimes he would keep the bodies of his victims, even grooming them and applying make-up to them, and also performing certain acts with their lifeless bodies. This makes him a necrophiliac, perhaps something 99.99% of people on this planet just cannot understand. Many of the victims' bodies were never found. 

Did he have a conscience? He told police that he actually intended not to kill one of his victims, a 16-year-old girl and that he planned to allow her to go after he had sexually assaulted her. According to him, he wanted to give up killing. 
But he told the cops that he had "accidentally" strangled her to death as he was trying to stop her screaming. But one of the worst things is that Bundy was actually on the radar of the police for some time but they just needed more evidence to arrest him for murders. It's likely they had no idea as to the extent of this viciousness. In 1976 he was charged with kidnapping and assault, and a year later he was charged with murder. In prison, it seems escape was always on his mind, at one point while he was serving time in Utah state prison, he was found hiding outside the prison yard with a bag containing what was called an "escape kit". Bundy was in some ways very smart, and he outfoxed authorities on many occasions. In 1977, he was sent to Pitkin County Courthouse whereupon he asked to go to the library. He had chosen to defend himself, given the law experience, and so did not have to wear shackles and handcuffs. He said he wanted to visit the library to do some research. Whoever gave him permission to do so must give regretted it for the rest of his or her life, because Bundy jumped out of a window and ran. 

He headed towards Aspen mountain and found an old abandoned cabin in the woods. Six days later he was recaptured, was hungry, and in pain, due to a sprained ankle that resulted from his window-jump. Believe it or not, Bundy would escape again, this time by losing some weight and crawling his way out through the light tunnel of his prison cell and would get much farther, relying on stolen cars and stolen food. After his next escape, he headed to Florida, and once settled, he went over to Florida State university's Chy Omegas sorority house. There he walked into dromes where female students were sleeping. He attacked 4 women in the space of 15 minutes (some sources say more like an hour or so), bludgeoning them and assaulting them in other ways. He killed two of them and left the other two with serious physical injuries and psychological scars that would last a lifetime. The community was in shock, and notices were left around campus warning students to keep their windows and doors locked. Years later one of the surviving girls told The Washinton Post: "I looked hard at him, but to this day I remember nothing." Bundy had used a blunt object to savagely and quickly beat the girls unconscious. At the time of the report, Bundy hadn't yet been executed. One of his victims, still bearing the scars of his attack, was asked if she wanted to see him die.
"He never gave any us of us a 'stay," she said.
"The biggest injustice is that Margaret and Lisa had to die so violently, so young. It hurts all the time."
But she added, "being a Christian, it is very difficult to watch him die."

Ted Bundy

It's thought Bundy killed a young girl of 12 shortly after the attack at a sorority house. He was later picked up for driving a vehicle listed as stolen. He tried to run but to no avail. The cop who arrested him had no idea who he had got in his car. Apparently, on way to jail, Bundy told the cop, "I wish you had me killed.

Films and documentaries have been made about this maniac, and you can even watch interviews of him on youTube. Most people he was a classic sociopath. He seemed to fly into rages, had a very high view of himself, could be very charming and articulate, and seemed to have a distinct lack of empathy. In one interview, Bundy blames not himself but pornography, for leading him down a very rotten path. He said it was a possession that made him want to kill, the possession of takin a life, and later of keeping the body. He would keep some bodies for days, assaulting them up until the bodies became putrefied. 
All kinds of psychological diagnoses have been made to describe Bundy, ranging from psychopathy, bipolar disorder, multiple personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder, but I will let you decide what drove this demon to do the things he did. Feel free to drop some comments and tell me what to think was happening in his mind.
