76 Days adrift at Sea

Serial Killers

Serial Killers

                                   Serial Killers

Well, we all are quite familiar with the term “Serial Killer” but just for the sake of this section I'll provide sufficient content so that you guys will get a pretty decent idea about this different species of the homo sapiens.
Serial killers are the typical type of person who murdered 3 or more people, usually in service of abnormal psychological gratification or so, with the murders taking place in a significant time gap and the practices performed on the victims were usually of the same manner. It's just a justification but most agencies set the perimeter as 3 while some raise it to 4 or some lower it 2. As abnormal psychological gratification is usually the motive for serial killing, most of them involve sexual offenses with the victims. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the motives of serial killing include anger, thrill-seeking, financial gain, attention-seeking, and dark desires, but who are they to set any parameters?
 As far as history shows, serial killers don't seek motives or gains, except some who claim they are some sort of psychopath killers with just two or three on their hands. While on the other hand serial killers choose their victims and all their victims have some similarities like, demographic profile, appearance, gender or race, etc and the killing is always attempted or completed in the same fashion. A serial killer is neither a mass murderer nor a spree killer, although there may be conceptual overlaps between serial killers and spree killers.

          Several books from time to time explore how our understanding of serial killers have changed
            overtime, and consider answers to a difficult question: what exactly “makes” a serial killer?

Are serial killers a product of nature (genetics) or nurture (environmental factors)?

Mental State of Serial Killers

We don’t quite know. Nothing has been isolated.

 My basic argument is that it is intrinsic to the human survival mechanism that we have this capacity to repeatedly kill. Killers are anachronisms whose primal instincts are not being moderated by the more intellectual parts of our brains.
 Perhaps it’s not that serial killers are made, but that the majority of us are unmade, by good parenting and socialization and what remains behind are these un-fully-socialized beings with this capacity to attack and kill. And often that capacity is grafted onto a sexual impulse —aggression sexualized at puberty.
 Many serial killers are survivors of early childhood trauma of some kind — physical or sexual abuse, family dysfunction, emotionally distant, or absent parents. Trauma is the single recurring theme in the biographies of most killers.

what are different types of Serial Killers?

Types of Serial Killers

Well mainly, as they say, there are majorly four types of Serial Killers:-
  • Thrill Seekers: Serial killers who find a sense of amusement in outsmarting the law are termed as “Thrill Seekers” or sometimes “The Adventurers”. They enjoy attention from the media and they also enjoy being pursued by the police. They are quite different from other killers because unlike all they like to keep a detailed record of their kills and other crimes and they also use it to send messages to others like the media or sometimes even the police, by the means of their killings. Considering these facts it is logical to say that they are quite organized to be a killer. Thrills seekers typically use weapons and/or rape their victims before killing them. After that they hide the victim's corpse and they move on to their next victim, that is unless of course they are caught in the act of doing so.
  • Mission-oriented: These are quite a weird type of serial killers as they are under the impression that they are doing some sort of noble work or good to the society by riding it from certain types of people like young women, prostitutes, criminals, drug-dealers, or homosexuals, people they feel that society could do without. These killers are generally not psychotic. They see themselves as someone who's bringing out a good change in the society. They always work in an organized manner and leave behind a controlled crime scene. They are usually easier to track, as they always go after specific victims.
  • Visionary: Visionaries are the special kind who occasionally suffer from psychotic breaks from society. They sometimes believe that they a completely different person, or they are compelled to murder by higher entities such as God or the Devil. Most commonly, there are two different types of visionary serial killers; Demon-mandated and God-mandated, while the ones with a feeling of having someone with a different and dark personality inside them are quite rare to find nowadays. Since Visionary killers tend to be more unorganized than other serial killers they are very easy to track down.
  • Power and Control seeking: These are the ones who feed on their victim's terrors, they find a sense of joy and pleasure from their victims suffering and screaming. These types of killers are usually very organized and mostly they had a history of an abusive childhood which leaves them with a hole of powerlessness and inadequacy and it keeps getting bigger and bigger as they grow up. Many of these killers also sexually abuse their victims, but they are not motivated by feelings of lust. To them, rape is simply another form of dominating the victim.

 Childhood issues of Serial Killers.

Childhood Issues of Serial Killers

 The ground level foundation of serial killers is from their childhood. Studies on the cases of several serial killers show that the majority of them had a rough or abnormal childhood, which is the main factor for the feelings or urges to kill once they grow up. Some of the factors which may trigger such kind of urges are:-
  • Anti-social Behaviour: Psychopaths have a strong tendency towards antisocial behavior, so watch for extremely antisocial children. That being said, some children develop more slowly, and this is not a definitive sign.
  • Arson: Arson is the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to a property. Many serial killers start as arsonists as arson is psychologically attractive to them because of its involvement in manipulating power and control, something that serial killing also offers.
  • Torturing Small Animals: This is one of the strongest warning signs. Children who torture or kill small animals like squirrels, birds, cats, and dogs without showing remorse are highly likely to be sociopaths. Many serial killers kill to control others’ lives and as children, small animals are the only lives they have the power to control.
  • Poor Family Life: Many serial killers come from unstable families with criminal, psychiatric, or alcoholic histories. These killers often have terrible relationships with their families, and often use them as their first victims.
  • Childhood Abuse: Many serial killers are abused — physically, psychologically, sexually, as children by a close family member. This behavior instills in the child feelings of humiliation and helplessness, feelings which they will later seek to instill in their victims.
  • Substance abuse: Well, we all know what a little ding-dong can do to our minds. Many serial killers struggle with drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Voyeurism: Voyeurism is basically a practice of gaining sexual satisfaction by watching others. From a young age, many serial killers are interested in voyeurism, sadomasochistic, pornography, and fetishism.
  • Intelligence: Many serial killers have le in the “bright normal” range. Organized serial killers who kill methodically, like John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy, have an average I.Q. of 113, while disorganized serial killers have an average LQ. of 93.
  • Shiftlessness: Despite higher than normal intelligence, many serial killers have trouble keeping jobs or work in unskilled labor.

Blood Spattered
 Now, this shall give you a pretty good idea about who these evil but interesting people are and what exactly their mind revolves around. So if you find this content interesting and want to know more about serial killers and those who have created a well-recognized place for themself in the field of serial killers, following is a list of some of the famous ones and some who are just enough evil to even call them a human. Go on click on any of them to read further about them.
